Soup vegetables

Soup vegetables

colorful mixture of carrots, green beans, leeks, peas, cauliflower, kohlrabi, celeriac, broccoli and parsley

Ingredients: Carrots**, green beans**, leek**, peas**, cauliflower**, kohlrabi**, CELERIAC**, broccoli**, parsley* (in variable weight proportions)
allergenic ingredients: Celery and celery products

Unit: 450 g

EAN: 4026813020086

*= ingredients from organic farming, **= ingredients from biodynamic cultivation

Allergy notes: Celery and celery products

Storage: Store at -18°C. Once defrosted do not refreeze.

Provenance: Netherlands (NL)

Preparation: Place the deep-frozen demeter soup vegetables to approx. 1 litre of boiling stock. Bring the stock back to boil and allow the soup vegetables to cook slowly for further 8-10 minutes according to taste. Season to taste (e. g. with fresh herbs).


aroma, consistency:
Consistency: firm to the bite, typical for each ingredient


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